Please Select Payment Method:
Print this page and send it with your cheque, payable to Earth Love Fund to: ELF, 9 Market Place, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England, GL7 2NX
Bankers Order/Standing Order
Set up a standing order to Earth Love Fund BY POST as follows:
- Write an instruction for your bank to make a payment to Earth Love Fund account 00332151 (sort code 20.36.16), Barclays Bank plc, 28 High Street, London NW3 1BQ, England, now and on January 1st of each year.
- List your bank's name and address, sort code, your bank account number, and the annual sum you wish to donate.
- Sign and date the instruction and send it to ELF, 9 Market Place, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England, GL7 2NX and we will arrange the standing order with your bank.